Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy - A Functional Approach to Treating and Preventing Cancer

Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy - A Functional Approach to Treating and Preventing Cancer

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Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy

Speaking at Live it to Lead it
March 29-31, 2019
Nashville, Tennessee

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Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy
Medical Director, Career for New Medicine

Leigh Erin Connealy, M.D. is a prominent leader in the Integrative/Functional Medicine medical field (taking the best of all sciences, including Homeopathic and Conventional treatments). She is the Medical Director of two amazing clinics: “The Cancer Center For Healing” & “Center For New Medicine”. The combined clinics have become the largest Integrative Medical Clinic in North America and visited by patients from all over the world with 47,000 patients.

The Center For New Medicine focuses on prevention and Internal Medicine along with, yearly physicals, auto-immune disease, natural hormone replacement, chronic issues, and everyone’s favorite Aesthetics. Dr. Connealy feels we must treat “the Whole person”, the patient with the disease and not the disease of the patient while determining the “origin of the illness”.

Dr. Connealy created the Cancer Center For Healing as a result of the epidemic spreading of Cancer. Patients receive scientifically based treatments and receive integrative protocols. She has created an acute awareness for the need to focus on cancer prevention, providing unique testing to determine the early stages of cancer, years before a scan reveals or is recognized. Through RGCC genetic testing, for example, she and her skilled team can create personalized treatment plans for early to late-stage cancer patients.

She has discovered that many factors contribute to the disease process; therefore, many modalities must be used to reverse it and spending the proper time with each patient to allow for reversal of the disease. Dr. Connealy and her team of practitioners, make this happen each and every day at her multi-disciplined “state of the art” clinic, while providing quality of life treatments. Some of our treatments and services may be billable to major PPO Plans.

Dr. Connealy is the author of two books, “The Cancer Revolution” published in 2017, and prior to that the “Be Perfectly Healthy” book in 2009, and has revolutionized the landscape of medicine. In 2017, she was named one of the top 50 functional & integrative doctors in the country. Dr. Connealy began a TV Series as host of “Dr. Detective TV” airing on the JUL-TV Television Network which began in 2018.


Dr. Pompa:
Welcome Dr. Connealy. I really am excited to have you at this seminar, especially with the topic of cancer, because we have so many people interested for themselves, as well as practitioners, because you’re going to be discussing some of the new things that are going on in cancer from detection, to treatment. But tell us a little bit about yourself. I mean how did you become an expert, one of the leading experts, in cancer and alternative especially? So, tell us about that.

Well, I’ll tell you. It’s a very interesting story. I always tell people your mess becomes your message. And I was born in the 50s and my mother took a medication that they found out 16 years later that it caused cancer in both male and female offspring. So, I started going to MD Anderson, which is one of the largest cancer institutions in the world. And so I had always wanted to live my life having not get cancer. So that’s what I want the world to know, because we’re in [crosstalk 00:01:07].

Dr. Pompa:
It’s always pain to purpose, right?

Yes, that’s right. And so I started out fortunately very young 33 years ago in integrative complementary biological medicine. People always go, “What is that?” I said, “Well, it’s combining the best of conventional western medicine,” because my western background in teaching taught me anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, and all the biochemistry, and really know how to take care of very sick patients.

So I know how to do that, but we also need to learn about herbs. We need to know about acupuncture. We need to know about homeopathy. We need to know about energy treatments. We’ve got to learn 21st century medicine. So what I learned back 30 years ago, it’s all gotten better, and I tell people, “Science changes by the second.” All of us, I don’t care what discipline we’re doing, we’ve got to be growing and learning the new applied sciences.

Dr. Pompa:

I always use the analogy, like your cellphone. When cellphones came out 25 years ago, it was a huge big box. Now you have a phone that not only you can you talk to people and answer, but you could actually take any course in the world on that cellphone.

Dr. Pompa:

So, what do you want? Do you want the new cellphone of medicine or do you want the old one? So, we’re in the 21st century, and luckily I have this huge team here. I always tell people, I don’t do my job by myself. We have seven medical doctors here along with nutritionists and lifestyle people and energy people and lymphatic drainage specialists, all these wonderful people that help get the body back in order and balance.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. I mean, that’s why you’re coming to the seminar because you are, you’re on the cutting edge of the new cellphones. I love that analogy, by the way. But you’re right. I think the thing that [inaudible 00:03:09] so much is people just kind of out of fear just fall into the standard treatments. They listen to their doctor. They don’t know what’s going on. I mean, really, they have no clue.

I’ve been to some of the top seminars, and my feeling’s always the same. It’s like, “My gosh, I wish so-and-so could hear this, so-and-so, so-and-so.” People need to hear this, and I’m constantly inviting those scientists and doctors that I hear that I feel the public needs to hear, like yourself.

Tell us some of it. I mean, you’re gonna discuss this at the seminar at length, but tell us first of all about the [inaudible 00:03:51] because I think it’s something that doctors should see and should recommend, and let’s talk about some of the [inaudible 00:03:56].

Well, first of all, I’d like to invite anyone who comes to my clinic, come to the clinic and do the Disneyland tour because it is an unbelievable place, and like I said, I never do this by myself. I always do it with a great force behind me. We have almost 30000 square feet now. We treat everything from cold to cancer, ’cause I tell people everything is just a label, and it’s a doctor’s job to unravel the label, all right?

Conventional medicine gives you a diagnosis and then they give you a drug for that diagnosis, but that’s not how we work. We look at the label and then start with the matrix or the foundation of the body and then build upon that and get rid of all the interfering fields. Like I said, we do everything. Of course we have a cancer wing because some of our patients come from all over the world and they stay there daily, especially the stage four cancer patients, and so they’ve already done surgery, chemo. They’ve already exhausted the conventional paradigm, so they come to us. Luckily people are getting smarter and smarter.

I tell people, Nixon declared war on cancer in 1970. The survival rates are the same as they were, and we’re not making the end roads. Doctors now need to get involved. Every doctor needs to get involved in lifestyle medicine. That is the future. It’s not going away.

The problem is, doctors, they have [inaudible 00:05:32]. Number two, they have to have a passion for this. It’s a curiosity passion all the time because every day you’re learning something new, and you have to be open. A lot of doctors are like, “Oh no, I went to medical school and I’ve done my board certification and now that’s all I need to know.” Well, are we getting people well? No, we’re not getting people well.

Johns Hopkins did a study. The third leading cause of death in this country is doctor’s errors and medication. But if you really look at how a heart patient dies, a lot of them die from the medicine they’re taking.

Dr. Pompa:
That’s right. That’s right.

We just found out four medications that we routinely use for blood pressure cause cancer. So, is it the cancer that killed them or was it the drug that caused the cancer that killed them? You see what I’m saying?

Dr. Pompa:
Oh yeah.

So a lot of people say it’s the number one cause of death is doctors and doctors’ errors, okay? And that was published in [JAMA 00:06:29] 2001. But we all know that medications are toxins, Dr. Pompa. We all know those. Here at this clinic, we do not have one drug rep that comes by. For all of the eight doctors that we have, not one drug rep comes by. So we must know how to do something.

I’m not saying that we don’t have emergencies and we don’t have the need for a blood pressure medicine until we get the patient’s body in order. We do, but we know how and when to implement the medications, and then start teaching the patient how to take care of themselves and institute self-care and then their body comes into balance.

Dr. Pompa:
Considering … I just heard a new statistic. Between the ages of 40 and 80, you have a 1 out of 2 chance now of getting cancer. So, with that said, this topic should interest everybody that’s listening because chances are, it’s you.

But let’s talk prevention [inaudible 00:07:32] some of these new treatments that you’re gonna expand on at the seminar, and you’re gonna expand on prevention, because prevention goes into really part of what we need to do for cancer, but talk a bit about that for the people watching.

Right. Well, the cure for cancer is prevention, and today we know how to prevent cancer. In my book, The Cancer Revolution, I go over that and every doctor should know how to prevent cancer in a patient’s body.

We have in our clinic, and I teach doctors this, it’s not like I kept it a secret, I teach doctors all over the world how to implement the algorithm for prevention of cancer. It’s done with blood tests and liquid biopsies and bioenergetic testing and we implement all these and literally one to two weeks, we can know if cancer is brewing, simmering, or fermenting in the body. I tell people, “You don’t just wake up and get cancer.” Cancer from one cancer sell to tumor formation is 10 years, unless you’ve been exposed to radiation or let’s say you’ve been exposed to a tremendous amount of some toxicity that could kill you, okay? So that would be the only reason that it might be a faster course.

Dr. Pompa:

So prevention is priceless and it is available now, Dr. Pompa.

Dr. Pompa:
Talk about some of the testing. You’re saying that look, many people should have this even before they get the diagnosis, some of this testing, and you’re gonna expand on this at the seminar, but talk a little bit about that.

Well, like for example, on a routine blood test that they can talk to any doctor, if you do a CRP, which is not routinely done by every doctor … CRP is the non-specific market for inflammation … Well, if it’s over one, something is wrong in the body, okay?

Then, the blood sugar test. Hemoglobin A1C is a reflection of blood sugar over 90 days, but it’s also a reflection of aging. So if your blood sugar is high, you’re feeding Alzheimer’s, cancer, et cetera, and heart disease.

So then also vitamin D levels. We know low vitamin D levels, they influence over 3000 genes in cancer, those levels that we can assess. So just those three tests can tell you a lot about the body. I will tell you that the CRP is an incredible, wonderful marker for something going awry.

The proctors don’t pay attention. You know why, Dr. Pompa, is there’s not a drug for CRP. So, they don’t know what to do about it, so they just pass it along and don’t even discuss it with the patient, which is terrible, so [inaudible 00:10:17].

Now, there’s some other tests. I do do a liquid biopsy. I use a lab in Greece that you send the blood off and they’ll tell you if you have circumventing tumor cells. Some of the other markers are the liver, the GGT liver. If your liver function tests are abnormal, which is 50% of the population now just came out with fatty liver. Again, what medicine is there for fatty liver? None. Again, the doctor’s not gonna tell the patient there’s a problem because there’s no drug for it.

Dr. Pompa:
That’s right.

So if they mentioned it, if you mention it to your patient, then you would have to know how to fix it, but you can fix fatty liver very quickly, interestingly enough.

Dr. Pompa:

Yes. And then there’s a non-specific tumor marker called CEA. CEA is a non-specific marker for a lot of cancers, but I can order this on any kind of blood test, just like quantitative HCG. HCG is the hormone of pregnancy, but it’s also the hormone of malignancy. So I put all of this tapestry together and it’s in my book described, and I’m gonna talk about it in detail at your conference.

Dr. Pompa:
Awesome. Wow, wow. I mean, that’s information every doctor needs to know, even just so they know even where to send somebody. By the way, every doctor at the seminar, they’re able to run all those blood tests. I mean, the first ones that you talked about, they should be running, and then if there’s a flag, they can say, “Hey, you need to perhaps go and get further testing,” in a clinic like yours. I mean, that’s what I did, right? I don’t want to be the expert. I’m an expert in the [inaudible 00:12:02] the work that I do, but I don’t want to be the guy for this.

Okay, so that’s fantastic information. Talk a little bit about some of the … Because again, I want people to know what’s out there. I think like you said, for me, it is changing so fast. There’s so many new things. So, talk about some of these new things that you’re going to expand upon at the seminar, some of these new treatments.

Well, we have unbelievable new cutting edge treatments, and I will tell you, outpatients need to know that surgery, chemo, and radiation is the conventional paradigm for treating cancer patients. And I’m not saying that you might not need surgery because sometimes patients need surgery but I will tell everyone, and I’ll discuss this at the conference too, that you should have body preparation even before a biopsy.

Why? When you put a needle in, there’s a trailing that takes place and a potential spread and seeding from biopsies. So wouldn’t you want to arm your body very well before the biopsy? If you were gonna have surgery, which is a very daunting, immunosuppressive, very, very serious procedure, you’re going to need preparation. So that’s another thing I’m going to be talking about.

Now, as far as treatment goes, the only medical treatment that we do that we use medicine is low dose chemo. It’s called IPT. So that’s done with only 10% of the normal dose using insulin as the Trojan horse to bring the chemo into it.

Now, what we have brought in recently is we have done something called sonophotodynamic light therapy. It’s using light intravenously and into tumors to dissolve cancer with IV photodynamic therapy, which could be chlorophyll or curcumin, absolutely no drugs, okay?

Then of course, we always like our patients to do hyperbaric oxygen. We have five hyperbaric chambers here because cancer is an acidic, low oxygen, sugary environment, so we totally flood the body with oxygen. We do of course IV vitamin C. We also do IV mistletoe. Mistletoe’s been around for 100 years. Helps the immune system, decreases blood supply to cancer, decreases metastasis.

Then, we also do pulse electromagnetic field therapy. I’m sure you’re familiar with magnetic field therapy, so all the patients are doing that. We do sound therapy versus the polarity of the cancer cell. So everything that we do elevates the body’s vibration so that they can heal. That’s what it’s all about.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, no doubt. The cure is within, right? We change the environment and we can change the cells. Unfortunately in today’s day and age, it’s kill, kill, kill, but what are we doing about the immune system? When we look at why we’re not winning the war, why it hasn’t changed and even to some extent, it’s gotten worse, we’re looking at it wrong. Our philosophy about it’s wrong. Why is that? I mean, it’s obvious, but why is that? Is there any chance of reversing that?

It is obvious, but doctors need to understand, there’s an inner terrain that our cells bathe in, that beautiful salty water with the great beautiful electrolytes, and we’ve got to clean these patients up because everything we drink, eat, breathe, and put on our skin has toxicity in it, okay? And so we’ve got to clean the body so the body can take care of itself. Then, we’ve got to get the milieu of the body, the terrain of the body healthy so that the cells can all talk to each other and communicate and take care of the body as a whole.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, yeah. I mean, it seems so obvious to you and I. Remove the cause and get the body doing what it knows how to do. I mean, it’s remarkable. Everybody has cancer cells, right, but a healthy body is dealing with these bad cells.

Exactly, but as you know, Dr. Pompa, and I know you bring this up a lot, we’ve got to change our planet now because like you said, cancer’s one in two people now. Look at all the other diseases that are popping up, okay? Parkinson’s, dementia. Yeah, it’s terrible, and we’ve got to all take a stand to reverse and save humanity.

Dr. Pompa:
Right. Yeah. I mean, I’m passionate about my work. I’m passionate about joining forces with doctors like yourself. Man, I tell you what, those watching this, you need to be at the seminar. Your message alone, I think it’s very important for all of us to understand this message very clearly. It’s things that we need to do right away. I think everyone there, practitioner, public, doesn’t matter, we need to know what’s going on on the cutting edge. We need to even make these changes ourselves.

And we need to let the world know, Dr. Pompa.

Dr. Pompa:

I tell people, it’s all for one, one for all.

Dr. Pompa:
Absolutely. That’s why we’re doing it. We’re gonna spread the message. So, all right, folks. You can find out more about the seminar, when it is, all the details right here on this page. Do it. Dr. Connealy, gosh, you’re a blessing. Thank you so much. I cannot wait to hear your presentation and I can’t wait to see you there.

All right. I look forward to it, too.

Dr. Pompa:
Absolutely. Thank you.

All right. Bye-bye.

Dr. Pompa:

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