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Mindy Pelz
Speaking at Live it to Lead it
November 14-17, 2019
Newport Beach, California
Have more questions?
- The 3 keys to female fasting and is it safe?
- When and how women use the ketogenic diet.
- How Dr. Mindy built a community and following of over 20,000 and growing…
About Mindy Pelz
Dr. Mindy Pelz, DC, is crazy passionate about helping families stay healthy. For the past 22 years, she has been in the health trenches with busy, overscheduled families. She has built one of the largest holistic health clinics in Silicon Valley with patients coming to her from all over the world for her customized ketobiotic, fasting, detox, and nutritional approaches. Her focus is to give families simple, science-based effective health tools that have all members of the family thriving.
Her bestselling book, The Reset Factor, was released in 2015, giving people all over the world access to a clear step-by-step path to creating a healthy, vibrant, energy-filled life free from disease and suffering. The launch of her book ignited a “Resetter tribe,” an online group of like-minded people all supporting each other, exchanging health ideas, and cheering each other on to better health. Once a month Dr. Mindy leads her Resetter tribe through a free Fast Training Week, where all community members practice different styles of fasting together.
Currently Dr. Mindy’s passion is educating women on how to do keto, fasting, and diet variation to impact their hormonal health. You can find much of her information laid out in a very simple and easy-to-approach, motivating manner on her youtube channel.
Dr. Pompa:
Well, I’m here with Mindy Pelz. Doctor Mindy Pelz, you have become famous on YouTube now, you realize that, don’t you?
Dr. Pelz:
It’s great. It’s growing. What I think is so cool is so many people want to know about fasting, and all the things that you have been speaking on and taught me.
Dr. Pompa:
We have a group of us doing all these things, the multi therapeutic approaches, how we get people well. And our goal at this seminar is going to really be bringing that message. But the thing that I think you’ve done so unique and well, is you’ve really tailored the message around women, right? We in our group understand, okay women, we can’t just fast women. There’s things we need to do ahead for them to have success in a fast. There’s ketosis. You don’t just throw a woman in ketosis and expect them all to be successful. I think you’ve really brought something that we discovered even clinically, really to a specific woman audience, and you’ve done awesome with that. So, Bravo.
Dr. Pelz:
Yeah. And, honestly, I learned that from you. Because I ventured into the keto and fasting path myself, only to find that it tanked my hormones. And you were the one that brought that, when I showed you my DUTCH test, you were the one that really brought that to my attention. From there I really realized that women needed a different approach.
Dr. Pompa:
You’re on two panels. You’re on a ketosis panel and the fasting panel. At this seminar, we’re doing this. One of the things, the feedback that we got was, “Gosh, I really want to understand how you’re doing this from a clinical perspective,” and we realize that doing a panel where we can pull the audience into the conversation, they’re going to get the most out of it. I watched Dave Asprey do that at Bulletproof. He did all of the panels and I watched the audience be involved in the conversation, and I saw a higher love the whole of learning.
You’re right in what you’re saying, though. A woman in ketosis or fasting, two of the panels that you’re on, you had the experience. So when I looked at it, I said, “Mindy, you’ve been low carb for how long? This is a problem. Do this.” You experienced that. And now you stepped in boldly. You have been bringing that message to women. Because they’re going to hear it more from you than me, that’s for sure.
Dr. Pelz:
Right, right. Well, and it works. What you said was go eat more carbs, especially around your cycles. Then when I saw it work, I just was like, “Oh my gosh, I have to teach everybody this.” I would agree with you, I’ve sat in seminars before and it’s just so much influx of information, and you don’t really always know how to step into applying it during the week. So what I love about the panels is we’re going to be able to give people real applicable steps that they can now start to do it on their, know how to lead groups of people through it. Because I’m sure you’re seeing this, that keto and fasting starts to get a bad rap because they say women shouldn’t do it. But it’s not that women didn’t do it, it’s that women need to do it differently.
Dr. Pompa:
Absolutely. And it’s two fold, and I think we’re going to cover this. Again, I can’t bring this message. I don’t have a clinic anymore. I have a virtual practice, right? But you have a clinic. The doctors are going, “Okay, great. I understand the value of ketosis, maybe fasting.” If you don’t, after this seminar, you will. But how do I monetize that? Right? It’s like, how do I actually put that into practice? That’s why you’re there, because you have done amazing at putting this into practice, into programs, and you’re going to bring that. But talk a little bit about that. What do you notice in your practice from a results standpoint and from a monetization standpoint of just these two things?
Dr. Pelz:
Yeah. One of the first things you taught me was build value where value’s already at. Where the cultural conversation is right now across the world is on fasting. People are obsessed. They want to know it, they want to know how to do it. On my social media platforms, I literally have a team of people answering a thousand different questions about fasting. And it’s not as simple as just removing foods. What all I did is I stepped into a cultural conversation and I started to guide people through the fasting experience. What that did for me clinically is it put eyeballs on me. All of a sudden, our new patient load went up, my virtual practice exploded. Everything that we do in our clinic, it just made people aware of what we were doing. So I was able to step into the conversation, lead a group of people, and then they knew who I was. And now they want to know what else do you do? What else is behind there? Because nobody’s going to get rich off of fasting, but you are going to get a lot of attention which allows you to profile yourself.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Again, when we look at results, I believe the conditions we’re seeing today, we can’t get them well without fasting and an understanding of how to put fasting into the programs. I think you’re going to get a lot of questions on what you just kind of hit there. How do you get that out there? How did you build your YouTube following? I think it’d be good to [crosstalk 00:05:32] be able to share a lot of, “Look, this is what I did and this is how I do it.” I watched you at one of the systemic events, just-
Dr. Pelz:
Yeah. Here’s the thing. This is the way my brain thinks, is that the cool thing about fasting is it does one of two things. It gives people the power back to understand that their body is a self healing machine. Well everybody, all alternative, whether you’re a medical doctor, an acupuncturist, a chiropractor, this is the premise in which we believe is that the body heals itself. Well fasting, you can show people that. Then the second thing is that it fasting you can give to a Silicon Valley CEO who doesn’t have enough time. We actually have an Aborigines in Australia, an Aborigines tribe that is watching my YouTube and applying the fasting principles. Isn’t that cool? They reached out to us and said, “Hey, we’re following you and we’re doing what you’re telling, and here are the results we’re getting,” in this tribe of people who were getting diabetes and losing limbs and things like that.
So you cross all socioeconomic backgrounds. What I love to share is just what I did on social media, is just stand up and teach people. I love people. Come find me at the seminar. I would love to share this from the panel because this is what the world wants to hear. That’s all I did is step into a conversation that people wanted to know more about. Honestly, doctors need to be experts in this. They need to understand keto, they need to understand fasting. Because if you don’t know how to explain it to your patients, they’re going to go find somebody else who knows how to explain it. They want to be guided by you.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. One of the unique things that we bring, too is right now, keto is very in vogue, as well as fasting. But you are one of the hosts of the 50 Ways to Women’s Wellness. I always screw that up.
Dr. Pelz:
I know. I do too, and I was a host.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. I never even know it’s going to come out. It’s my dyslexia. As soon as I start to say it, the words just start [inaudible 00:07:45]. Anyway, but yeah, you’re one of the hosts of that. I think one of the unique messages that people are going to hear is how we bring this to women. I believe that all of these things are necessary to get women well today, to stay well today with all the hormone dysfunctions going on out there. But unique way that we’re doing it, I think is a message that just needs to be heard so clearly. So many women are making themselves worse by jumping into these things that are really popular right now, and it’s simply not that easy. So kind of share that, when you started doing diet variation, feast famine cycles in your practice, what did it do? And again, specifically with women in this conversation.
Dr. Pelz:
Yeah. From a clinical level, I think… And I’m going to say this as a 49 year old woman, that perimenopause and menopause, there is an expectation that women have to suffer through that process. And I really think that with the diet variation, with fasting, with detoxing heavy metals, there is a path to non suffering. I’ve been walking that path myself, and that’s what I’m teaching people in my clinic is, yeah, you have hormones that are off, and yes, we live in the most toxic time in human history, but that doesn’t mean you’re destined to hot flashes all the time, to mood disorders, to hair falling out, to holding onto weight. We know now through these principles that I learned from you, and now we know how to walk women through that process with ease and grace. If there’s one set of people I am the most passionate about, it’s that, because we need to reframe that process for women. And the summit, there’s some great experts on there that will do that.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, there’s no doubt about it. This seminar, we really… Gosh, we have amazing speakers on such amazing topics. But when I examine how we are getting people well, to your point, I believe that you have to have the cellular detox and you have to have these diet variation strategies and fasting. Otherwise today you’re not touching it. You’re not just going to throw people on supplements, you’re not just going to adjust people anymore. All these things that are amazing, but you have to put these things into play. And here’s the other kicker, Mindy, you have to monetize it, otherwise you’re not going to do it. So that needs to be a topic at every seminar. Because if you don’t know how to do it, you’re going to be like, “Great, but I’m going to go back to what’s making me money.”
Dr. Pelz:
Right, right. Exactly. Yeah. And the other thing I would add to that I so deeply appreciate about you, and I see this throughout all the seminars that you’ve put on, is that you’re right, it’s not enough just to start to say, here’s the magic supplement, or I’m going to be your magic coach that’s going to take you through it. There’s a philosophy and a thought process that you need to go through. The feedback that I’m getting from my community is nobody has been able to get me well like you’ve been able to get me well. And it’s because you taught me how to think through somebody’s symptoms. You taught me how to walk through the steps with somebody. And in that, the monetization comes. You teach them the diet variation, you show them how to cycle onto supplements and how to get off of supplements. You show them how to test for heavy metals. When you lead from a place of expertise like that, monetization just follows. It becomes, I don’t want to say effortless, but it just becomes a whole lot easier.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Well, it’s true. I think even when we have such a boldness, all of us, in the platinum program, and you’ll get to meet, obviously folks listening and watching me on these talks. But all of us have such a boldness about what we do, and we come from such confidence because, we don’t have all the answers, but I always say, I know we have more than most. And we have what it takes, really, to get people well today. You just come from a different place in your heart. You come from it with a different presence, a boldness and confidence. It just resonates into people that are before you, whether it’s an audience or one on one. You’re right, that’s going to monetize. If you have value. You have to put value around it. But we teach that.
Dr. Pelz:
Yeah. What so many of us have in common is that, again, I go back to, we all are in agreement that the body heals itself. So then why is the body not healing with some of the techniques that natural practitioners are using? What I love is that you come to a seminar like this and your tool bag just gets so much bigger, that you go home and you’re like, “Oh.” This is what happened to me with heavy metals when I first learned it. It was like, “Ah, I get it now. Okay, let me go detox heavy metals out at everybody.” Then I’ve watched the miracles happen. Then it was like, oh yeah, now my certainty went up. Now my boldness. You talk about stepping into your identity. It just helped me just boom, come into my identity and go, “I know I can help you.” And I hope that for every doctor.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, yeah, me too. My concern right now in the alternative medicine, functional medicine space, whatever you want to call it, is that it really has taken a step backwards. Meaning that everyone wants all the genetic testing and all that stuff. We’re running a lot of expensive tests and we’re just putting people on a lot of more supplements. It’s like we’re take a step back into allopathic medicine in some respects. There’s a need for some of that, there’s a time and a place, but functional medicine in the old days, they used to be all about digging for causes and changing people’s lives, and really doing that. One person in your practice if you’ve ever gotten well without digging for the upstream source… I don’t care what tests you run, genetic testing, we’re finding out more or of really just how useless that testing is really in the scheme of things, and how few doctors are actually asking people questions about is your house moldy? Right? Do you have hidden infections in your jaw? And then doing something about it. I hope that resonates from all of us that getting to the cause is something we do unique. I hope that resonates.
Dr. Pelz:
Yeah. Yeah. I also think, being in practice for a while, that we’re at such a crucial time in health care because people are starting to say, “Yeah, I don’t really want [inaudible 00:14:51] surgery anymore,” and they’re turning to the alternative world. But we need to not just show up with, “Hey, here’s the fancy detox,” or, “Here’s the fancy supplement.” We need to show up and say, ” Guess what? Here’s the issue is nobody taught you how powerful your body is. Nobody taught you how to do health. So what I’m going to do is we’re going to go back to the basics and teach you, and a major part of that is we have to remove the sources that are interfering with the intelligence in your body.” Who’s doing that? We can’t show up with a fancy test or supplement. We need to show up with a philosophy and a paradigm that we can step into.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. See that, I just got goosebumps [crosstalk 00:00:15:36]. I got them again. That’s exactly my mindset, right? It’s like, when you show up with that philosophy, that’s it man. That’s why I became a chiropractor. The body deals, but you have to remove the interference. And I see functional medicine going down this testing and supplement route. It’s just like, gosh. I would not have gotten my life back if I didn’t remove these amalgams correctly and get the mercury out of my brain. I wouldn’t have got. And today it’s even more than that, this perfect storm that’s happening. I think again, that gives us that boldness of knowing we’re going for the cause, we’re doing it correctly, like no other in this multi therapeutic approach. You’re going to get that when you come to the seminar, honestly.
Dr. Pelz:
Yeah, right, right. Oh my God, the unique… I just had an opportunity to speak at Life West Chiropractic School. They had all school assembly. My topic was your community is waiting for you and that there’s never been a better time to be a chiropractor. You can say that as a functional medicine doctor or coach or you can put anything, but here’s why; people are looking for leaders. If there’s one thing I’ve noticed from my social media platform, people are looking for leaders. The question is, are you going to show up? Do you have the conviction? Do you have the toolbox to stand up in your community and be the leader that you want to be? And that what these seminars will do.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Let’s end right there. We’re going to make sure you have a link here below. When you come from these little… What do we call these things? Webcasts? Seminar? I don’t know what we call these things. Anyways, interviews. You get the best deal to come to the seminar. You need to be there for the reasons that Dr. Mindy and I just spoke about. Literally, the most important seminar, I promise you, this year. It will. Your mindset will change. That we could guarantee. So join us. That’s all I can say. Join a great family here that we have.
Dr. Pelz:
Yeah, no, and if I can just put a plug in for the environment of these seminars. I’ve been to a lot of different ones and there’s never been a seminar that I’ve seen people step into and not know anybody and feel like you’re part of family. You guys do an amazing job of that.
Dr. Pompa:
No, and I love these seminars. Oftentimes I sit through my own seminar and go, “Oh my God, that was amazing.” It happened with the last two. This one’s going to be no different. I was like, “That was an amazing seminar.” I literally didn’t want to be pulled out of the room for an interview or something because I wanted to hear. We have some amazing speakers. But click the link below. You’ll see who we have coming in the amazing panels and speakers and the education. Amazing. Dr. Mindy, thank you.
Dr. Pelz:
Oh, my pleasure. Thank you. I just love and appreciate you and so grateful for everything you’ve taught me, so thank you.
Dr. Pompa:
Awesome. Thanks.
Dr. Pelz: